Space Log

Mars Expedition – Bay B. Garbajh 2

Mission Control: Space Cat Agency (SCoA) Mission: Mars Expedition – Bay B. Garbajh 2 Report Date: June 21, 2023 Dear Earthlings, Meow there! It’s your interstellar explorer, Bay B. Garbajh, reporting to you once again from the enigmatic red planet, Mars! I hope this transmission reaches you with the same warmth and affection as I […]

Mission – Feline 1 Report

Mission Control: SCoA Agency Mission: Mars Exploration – Feline 1 Report Date: June 20, 2023 Dear Humans, Meow! This is your fearless feline astronaut reporting to you from the red planet, Mars! I hope this message finds you in good spirits and with a healthy supply of treats. I wanted to share with you an […]